Category: Uncategorized

Bryn Belted Galloway Beef on Countryfile!

What a pleasure to see recognition for John & Patricia Price last night on Countryfile. The segment covered ‘Great British Beef Week’, and Bryn Belted

Further Insurance Premium Tax Increase Imminent

Following on from the recent increases in the rate of Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) since 2011, this is a timely reminder that a further rise is on the way as per the 2

Caleb Roberts Support Young Farmer Events

February marked a new level of involvement for Caleb Roberts with local young farmer groups.  We sponsored Shropshire YFC’s entertainments competition for the

Caleb ‘Cobras’ Compete at CII 5-a-side

Congratulations to our 5-a-side team nicknamed the ‘Caleb Cobras’ for competing at this year’s annual Shropshire & Mid-Wales CII tournament at th

Our sales team expands in Knighton

Congratulations go to Andrew Williams for joining the sales team in Knighton. Andrew has been training on the job for 18 months, completing his Foundation Insurance Te

Dog owners – know your responsibilities!

It’s nearly that time again when our fields are graced with playful lambs, yet, sadly we still hear of a number of livestock worrying cases, and sheep are injured o