Category: Uncategorized

It’s Okay not to be Okay.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, with the theme being kindness. This was specifically chosen to reflect both the difficulties faced and reciprocating acts of

Claims Support

Following temporary closure of our office network and the relocation of our colleagues to be working from home our claims support continues. The company have dedicated

Support For Dairy Farmers Through COVID-19

Chartered Accounts, Whittingham Riddell share an insight into dairy farming and COVID-19: England’s dairy farmers will be able to access up to £10,000 each to help

Fly Tipping Increase Due To Coronavirus

Since the COVID-19 lockdown, there has been an increase in fly tipping due to the closure of waste and recycling plants across the country.  This, combined with more

RSA Insurance Update

As we enter week five of national lockdown, we continue to adapt to the changes the Coronavirus pandemic is making to all our daily lives. This is without doubt a very

Safety Warning Over NHS Sky Lanterns

Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has deservedly described the NHS as the ‘beating heart’ of the country and we have certainly been showing our support for th