GPS Thefts

During this year the Agricultural Industry is seeing more thefts of farming equipment and tens of thousands of pounds worth of kit being stolen.

In attempt to stop thieves targeting GPS kit, manufacturers are now proving PIN numbers to prevent equipment being used by others.

The police are encouraging farmers to remove the screens and other valuables when leaving their vehicles and where possible park vehicles in a secure, alarmed building.  If this is not possible park them in well-lit areas covered by CCTV.

Some suggestions from our insurance partners;

  • Remove GPS guidance receivers, aerials and antenna globes from tractors when not in use and keep them in a secure locked place whenever possible;
  • Mark your GPS units either by using security paint or Datatag
  • Store machinery in locked buildings whenever possible;
  • Install CCTV and intruder alarms to cover machinery
  • Record machinery serial numbers and photograph equipment to help identify stolen items
  • Communicate security procedures to all staff to protect GPS equipment
  • Join local Farm Watch or social media groups to keep in touch with rural crime in the area

Warning follow your conditions for your insurance policy

  • Remove your keys and lock the cab as this may invalidate Insurance cover if not done
  • Check to make sure the detachable and fixed equipment is covered either on your Motor or Farm Combined Policy